Although this game has some potential, the people who made it are an insult to baseball. The base running is horrid, and resembles games we played in the early 80s control wise. Runners will just continue running especially with multiple guys on base. There is no help menu or practice screen where you can try and polish up your skills or take BP. Possibly the worst trait of this quickly thrown together nightmare of a baseball game, is the starting pitching. Ive pitched no-hitters through 4 innings and my pitcher is completely EXHAUSTED...cannot throw over 60 mph LOL! Soooo stupid, none of my pitchers can get into the 6th inning without throwing 50mph beach balls haha. For $6.99 this game is laughable, its almost like they inserted blatantly stupid things just to annoy those of us who bought it. Shitty that MLB endorsed such an un-realistic bag of s*^t like this. Lets face it MLB, most starting pitchers these days can throw 5 "ace" cant get out of the 4th even though hes not allowed a run lol! Ive always been a huge supporter of MLB but after buying this game they endorsed, I feel they owe me $6.99. In turn I will now be purchasing all my MLB clothing unlicensed, something I never thought Id say - but screw it, they dont care...why should I?
001000111100 about R.B.I. Baseball 16, v1.04